Agree or Disagree: People need to say Thank You more.

Thank you!

Two little words that mean so much, but seem to be said very little. It seems that there is a general consensus by many that we really don’t say Thank You enough.

Well, there is an attempt to change that. There is a book called A Simple Act of Gratitude; How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life – John Kralik.   Kralik started a project January 3, 2007 and went 365 days and wrote one thank you note a day.He started with writing thank you notes from Christmas gifts and went on from there.  A Book Club I’m involved with will be reading this book. I will write a review.

I’m also going to try something in October. Since October is my birthday month, I’m going to try to find someone in my life to say Thank you for 31 days. I will then write briefly about it. I, could improve on saying Thank you and this will be a good way to start.

What are your thoughts? Can you say Thank you more?

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